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Videos on commission

pagina in ITALIANO

Making videos on commission is not only a job to me, but also a pleasure. I love enhancing the passion and the skills of workers. Or communicating an important theme, like in a social advertising. Or letting people remember a special day, like a wedding. Every time there is the chance to get in touch with new experiences and great people.




I Nuovi Noi [The New Us] – 6′ long short film commissioned by Chiesi. Watch and excerpt.





This pixillation video introduced Verdi’s Nabucco at Busseto theatre in 2011. When Italy was unified in 1861, “Viva V.E.R.D.I.” used to mean “Up with Vittorio Emanuele king of Italy”.



Social spot for Associazione Italiana Elettrosensibili


Social spot for I.P.S.S.E.R.


Social spot for UILDM Bologna.


Booktrailer for Petri-Paselli 99 Objects project.


An energy-saving device by Over Technologies.


The first hand-made eco-friendly armchair by SorboletoLAB.


Book trailer of Sergio Bleda‘s book The Wednesday Conspiracy, by SAF.


Book trailer of Alfonso Font‘s book Dark Stories, by SAF.


Book trailer of Jaybird, winner of the Gran Guinigi award for the best graphic novel at Lucca Comics & Games 2014.


Touristic guides in Emilia-Romagna after Covid19. I suggested the core idea and did the editing.


A stop-motion promo for Lucky Red contest to promote Capitan Harlock 3D film


A spot for ANT, made with my animation students at Noetica and Luis.it in 2006.



A Wood For The Town (Un bosco per la città).

Children plant trees in San Lazzaro di Savena.


The old smithery

An amazing Italian smithery, build the 30s. All the tools are moved by the power of the water, like in a mill. I felt like sneaking into a Miyazaki’s movie.



Casastronave  (Houspaceship)

How to explain children to stay at home in Covid time.


A wood will grow



We can play to be models and director, it’s ok. But what I like the most is to tell the feelings of the wedding day. It’s a story, isn’t it? But making a wedding video enjoyable by everyone is really a hard challenge. I won it, once at least.
