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A woman enter a mysterious spooky house, which changes looks depending on what she touches, or, better, depending on what she… clicks! Dealing with a computer for the first time can be scary, expecially for people who grew up in the pre-computer age. Home is shot with a webcam.


Italian – English subtitled

Spanish subtitled

Home is my very first fiction film (before I had experiences in animation only). It was done without any budget and with amatorial means. The crew was so great and bravely faced the close to zero temperatures during the shooting.

The choise of shooting the short with a webcam was due to the theme of the fear toward the computers that aged people often have. But using a webcam as a traditional camera, would have not made sense. So every shot is strictly an object’s point of view. Camera moves only when these objects move (ore are moved) inside the story. After the shooting days, I couldn’t watch any other movie without feeling the camera operator as an intrusive presence inside the story. Luckily, after some month, I could enjoy films again. But somehow our little webcom put in discussion the role of the cameraman himself in film-making. Not bad.


Main credits

Direction: Francesco Filippi
Screenplay:  Francesco Filippi
Production: Francesco Filippi
Cast: Carlotta Pircher
Cinematograpy: Marina Gulinelli
Music: Andrea Vanzo
Sound design: Paolo Bozzola
Scenography: Ivan Cavini, Marina Gulinelli, Francesco Filippi
Editing:  Francesco Filippi



Some backstage pictures





